Yuvraj Chopra (Lab Assistant)


Master of Science (Agronomy)

Institution: University of Nebraska Lincoln, Nebraska, USA

Bachelor of Science (Hons.) Agriculture

Institution: Punjab Agricultural University, Punjab, India


Graduate Research Assistant 

Institution: University of Nebraska Lincoln, Nebraska, USA

Harkamal Walia Lab & Scott Sattler lab (MS):

Focus: Transcriptomic, metabolomic, and spectral response of cereal crops to abiotic stresses

Graduate Teaching Assistant 

Institution: University of Nebraska Lincoln, Nebraska, USA

PLAS 324 (Plant Physiology) at the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture


Saini, D.K., Chopra, Y., Singh, J., Sandhu, K.S., Kumar, A., Bazzer, S. and Srivastava,P., 2022.

Comprehensive evaluation of mapping complex traits in wheat using genome- wide association studies. Molecular Breeding, 42(1), pp.1-52

Gill, T., Gill, S.K., Saini, D.K., Chopra, Y., de Koff, J.P. and Sandhu, K.S., 2022.

A Comprehensive Review of High Throughput Phenotyping and Machine Learning for Plant Stress Phenotyping. Phenomics, pp.1-28

Saini, D.K., Chopra, Y., Pal, N., Chahal, A., Srivastava, P. and Gupta, P.K., 2021.

Meta-QTLs, ortho-MQTLs and candidate genes for nitrogen use efficiency and root system architecture in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 27(10), pp.2245-2267