Comparative profiling examines roles of DNA regulatory sequences and accessible chromatin during cold stress response in grasses

Authors: Kenchanmane Raju

Published in: 2020

Physical access to regulatory DNA, including cis-regulatory sequences found within proximal promoters and distal enhancer elements, is a vital property of chromatin. In turn, their access is determined by nucleosome occupancy and posttranslational modification of histone proteins. A continuum of chromatin accessibility states from closed to permissive and open chromatin is a critical determinant of chromatin’s regulatory capacity in modulating gene expression. Transcription factors (TFs) can dynamically regulate local access to DNA by modulating nucleosome occupancy; in turn, the cell/tissue-specific chromatin landscape affects TF binding. Recent identification of chromatin signatures of cis-regulatory elements across angiosperms provides a strong foundation for understanding TFs and their interaction with the chromatin environment in modulating gene expression (Lu et al. 2019)…